Bring More Enjoyment to Recovery by Discovering New Hobbies

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Throughout the course of addiction treatment and recovery, clients delve more deeply into underlying issues surrounding substance use. During this process, they may discover that there are certain people or places that are a negative influence on their recovery. Creating a healthier lifestyle means making changes and re-examining choices. Clients may be very protective and cautious during early recovery, hesitant to expand their horizons. However, boredom and isolation are major triggers for relapse.

It is important that you learn how to continue doing things that you enjoy while also being mindful of your recovery and working through challenges in a safe, effective way. Northbound helps clients to build these skills through its In Vivo® model and exposing clients to real-world opportunities throughout the recovery process.

Exploring new hobbies can have numerous benefits on creating a more sustainable lifestyle of recovery and reducing risk of relapse.

  • Meet new people who share similar interests. You already have a common topic to strike up a conversation.
  • Challenge yourself to try things you’ve always been interested in but never pursued. Without substance use consuming your focus, you can explore other activities.
  • Feel as though you are a part of something larger than yourself. Whether it’s music, art, sports, photography, cooking, knitting, or any other hobby, you realize that others share your interest and many opportunities abound. Put your talents to use in new ways.
  • Reduce stress and boost mood by taking the time to do something for yourself that you enjoy. As you practice and improve, it can be very motivating and rewarding.

Keep an open mind and try things before you assume that you wouldn’t be interested in it. Many people find yoga and meditation very beneficial when they never imagined themselves doing these things before. Northbound supports clients in exploring their interests in a safe, supported way as they increase their independence and solidify their recovery.

Try new things while still having support and structure in recovery through Northbound’s In Vivo® approach to treatment. Contact us today to learn more!

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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC

— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO

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