Psychological trauma treatment is necessary when a client experiences actual or threatened extreme danger or trauma. Extreme examples include wartime experiences, natural disasters, or sexual abuse. More common traumatic events include divorce, death of a family member, financial loss, or even psychotic episodes (including those caused by hallucinogen use). Psychological trauma symptoms include nightmares, dissociative states, vivid flashback memories of the traumatic event, emotional detachment (psychic numbing), hyper-arousal, and survivor guilt. Typically, psychological trauma care involves addressing recurrent re-experiencing of the trauma, avoidance behaviors or phobias, and chronic physical signs related to hyper-arousal, including sleep disorder, difficulty concentrating, hyper-vigilance, memory problems, and fatigue. Psychological trauma may be the number one underlying cause of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, alcoholism, and personality disorders.
The Right Fit
When an individual suffers from psychological trauma, family members often feel helpless and frustrated. Families too often have difficulty finding their loved one the right level of care. Hospitalization may be overwhelming or even further traumatizing. Weekly psychotherapy may be insufficient. Northbound Treatment Services offers residential treatment for those who are appropriate and are looking for an alternative to an inpatient hospital treatment program. We offer residential settings near the beach and close to local colleges. Using a combination of clinical and 12-step approaches, Northbound empowers clients in the struggle to gain control over their lives. We have a highly trained and experienced staff of professionals trained in the treatment of dual diagnosis disorders to help clients with treatment.
Once a client is admitted to the program, he or she will be assigned an entire treatment team that is devoted to their care. Moreover, the treatment plan is built around the client to suit individual needs. This is not to say that clients don’t work hard in this challenging program that is intended to guide them to overall wellness. Clients are guided through new steps for coping with and eventually overcoming their trauma.
Treatment for Psychological Trauma
Intensive individual psychotherapy and Step work help clients understand and identify what contributes to their trauma, while providing insight into how they might solve or improve those contributing factors. Meanwhile, the client is receiving nutrition counseling, physical exercise, and cultural outings. Later, group sessions with family members occur where they too can learn to understand what the client is going through and how they can become more supportive.
Healing takes place in luxurious and comfortable surroundings. And though the facilities are private and completely safe, clients are not in a lockdown situation; they have access to phone and Internet. Northbound offers a caring, immersive environment. We continually evaluate our clients thoroughly working with psychiatrists in establishing the proper diagnosis and the optimal medication regimen, minimizing medication usage as much as possible.
Continuum of Care at Northbound in Orange County, CA
Men and women come to Northbound for a variety of reasons. We teach our clients how to identify their symptoms and understand the nature of their problems. We give them the skills to minimize conflict with their family members and draw upon the family as a source of strength. Our treatment program is successful because we care, and this care continues with the support structure we construct for aftercare. At Northbound Treatment Services, we believe recovery is an ongoing process of growth, and we provide the tools to increase the bonds within the entire family and bring about a successful long-term solution.