Outpatient Drug and Alcohol treatment at Northbound utilizes all the principles and curriculum from the inpatient Northbound Drug and Alcohol treatment program, but in a condensed version. Clients can enter the outpatient drug treatment program directly, or after they have completed one of Northbound’s primary programs. The Outpatient Drug Treatment program at Northbound is three nights per week. In addition to the regular group meetings at Northbound, clients are required to attend 12 Step meetings on their own during the week. Clients are also required to “check-in” with their case manager daily by phone. The Outpatient Program is for people who live in Orange County, California, and are working or have families to take care of during the day. It is perfectly suited for people who cannot afford to spend the time necessary to enroll in one of our inpatient programs. Clients in the Outpatient Drug Treatment Program are drug and alcohol tested throughout the week and results of the tests are documented in their files should the courts need verification of a client’s abstinence. We expect every client who enters the 90 Day Outaptient Drug Treatment Program to complete the Step Workbook, which means that they will have completed up to Step 4 of the 12 Step Program by the time they are discharged from the program. The RAP Outpatient Program is one of our oldest and most successful drug and alcohol treatment programs at Northbound.
The RAP Program – Outpatient at Northbound
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Written by: Ryan Snodgrass, LMFT, LPCC
— Reviewed by: Paul Alexander, CEO
- Updated On October 13, 2008
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