Northbound offers treatment specifically designed for the individual who has experienced legal repercussions as a result of their addiction. If you or someone you love is looking at jail or prison time as a result of their struggles with addiction, then Northbound Treatment Services can help. Our clients often seek treatment as a result of a new or pending charge, and we have been successful in helping them avoid jail time through the completion of our alternative sentencing program.
Who is Appropriate for Alternative Sentencing?
Our alternative sentencing program is appropriate for anyone who has been arrested recently or has pending legal matters. We understand that addiction and its resulting complications can cause stress to everyone involved. Families are in crisis and everyone is scared and worried about the future of their loved one. An impending conviction threatens the individual’s freedom, safety, and future professional success.
Our court services program will offer assistance to you and your family, helping you to proactively determine the most appropriate course of action. Northbound’s alternative sentencing program is designed to help you and your family throughout the entire process. We will aggressively pursue your best outcome, both in the courtroom and through the treatment of your addiction.
How Does Alternative Sentencing Help?
If you have been charged with a crime related to substance abuse, then the court will be very responsive to you taking steps to address your problems with addiction. Judges tend to respond positively to individuals that acknowledge their substance abuse, and are often willing to offer treatment in lieu of jail time. This process is known as alternative sentencing.
Alternative sentencing must occur before the individual receives their sentence. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as possible so we can begin to pursue your best course of action. If you have a been recently arrested or have a pending criminal charge, then it is essential that you contact us as soon as possible. Our alternative sentencing team will begin working on your case immediately, formulating an approach that reduces your sentence and prepares you for a lifetime of sobriety.
What does the Alternative Sentencing Process Entail?
Northbound’s court services department will advocate for you in order to reduce the severity of your charges and help you to recover. We maintain professional relationships with hundreds of attorneys across the country and have decades of experience supporting clients through their legal matters. Our staff will be there for you throughout the entire alternative sentencing process.
Assessment. Our alternative sentencing process begins with an initial assessment. We will investigate your charges, consider your criminal history (if any), and begin to formulate the best possible defense. If you already have an attorney, then we will collaborate with them to ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements of the court. If you do not have an attorney, then we will help connect you with an experienced professional that can provide you with legal counsel.
Treatment. Your defense will include your participation in our alternative sentencing program. Our goal is to anticipate your charges and create a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique history and pending charge. By immediately enrolling in treatment, you will be showing the courts that you are aware of the issues that resulted in your charge and that you are already taken the steps to address and resolve those issues.
Court Appearances. Our court services department will support you in every step of your journey. We will appear with you in court, updating the judge and your attorney on your progress in treatment. Transportation is always provided from treatment to court.
Recovery. Recovery takes place in a nurturing, therapeutic environment. Clients are provided with support from our caring professionals, and given the effective treatment necessary to remain clean and sober long after graduation.
Contact Northbound Today
In addition to helping you to reduce your sentence through our alternative sentencing program, Northbound’s goal is to provide you with the means to sustain your lasting recovery. Alternative sentencing is about more than avoiding jail, it is about remaining clean and living a successful life without the burden of addiction. Our program is designed to help you to do just that, and offers evidence-based methods of treatment that are proven successful when addressing addiction.
Unburdening yourself from the shackles of addiction will allow you to know the quality of life that you never even knew existed. Instead of wasting time in jail, our most important priority is to show you that a new way of life is possible, and to do everything we can to help you to be successful in that life.