Behavioral changes in teens can be telltale signs of drug abuse. When you start to notice behavioral changes in your child it’s important to use your senses as well and your instincts in assessing your teen’s behavior and taking action if you suspect a problem.
Some of the first things you may notice if your teen is using drugs are visible. If you notice that your teen’s eyes and cheeks are red and he’s having difficulty focusing on you, this could be a sign that he may have been drinking. Bloodshot eyes can indicate she’s been using marijuana. Strange burns on your teen’s fingers or mouth could indicate that he’s been smoking from a glass or metal pipe, and wearing long sleeves in the summer can indicate that she’s trying to cover something on her arms, like marks from intravenous drug use.
If your teen has always been a good student but grades start to decline, this could indicate a problem with drugs, or if your teen is using eye drops, mouthwash or other scents to excess, this could also be the sign of a problem.
Use your gut instincts—if your teen has strayed from his childhood friends and begun to hang out with a different crowd, older kids or kids that give you a bad feeling, pay close attention and don’t ignore your feelings.
While there could be rational explanations for some or all of the behaviors above, trust your instincts if you suspect your teen is using drugs, and address it immediately. Northbound Treatment Services has a specialized clinical team sensitive to the needs of teens and their parents at its rehab treatment center. Northbound tailors treatment based on the unique needs of each patient, helping individuals recover from addiction and learn lifelong coping skills. For more information about our services, visit our website or call today at 866-319-2301.